Last Updated: Nov 03, 2022     Views: 101

What is plagiarism?

According to Purdue OWL, "Plagiarism is using someone else’s ideas or words without giving them proper credit. Plagiarism can range from unintentional (forgetting to include a source in a bibliography) to intentional (buying a paper online, using another writer’s ideas as your own to make your work sound smarter)."

Plagiarism is a serious academic integrity breach and is strictly prohibited at Sullivan University. It includes:

  • Taking and passing off the ideas of another as one's own.
  • Failing to cite an author whose ideas have been incorporated in a paper.
  • Cutting and pasting text from different web sites or databases directly into in paper without giving proper credit.
  • Presenting an idea from an existing source as a new and original idea. This can consist of:
    • using a friend's paper from another class.
    • using an original paper of your own that you have used for another class (without explicit permission from your current instructor).
    • using papers bought or retrieved from the web.

Cheating and Plagiarism may also manifest itself as:

  • failing to cite an author for whose ideas have been incorporated into a student’s paper
  • cutting and pasting different internet web site or database text in a paper or using a purchased paper
  • letting another student to use your work
  • copying another person's work with or without their knowledge
  • using a device like a phone or calculator to store notes, formulae, etc. without instructor permission
  • using notes and/or other aids that are prohibited on an exam
  • submitting the same work to different classes (AKA self-plagiarism)
  • gaining an unfair advantage by any other method

How can I avoid plagiarizing?

To avoid plagiarism issues:

  • Always give proper credit to all sources that you quote or use in your paper (or other type of presentation).
    • The only exceptions are:
      • Your own original thoughts and your original opinions.
      • Dates in history or other facts that are "common knowledge."
  • If you are not certain whether to credit a source, it is usually best to credit the source.
  • Always check with your instructor for clarification.
  • Always give credit if you are using the ideas of a source for your paper, even if you are paraphrasing and not directly quoting a source.