Last Updated: Sep 12, 2022     Views: 555

All items are due no later than Wednesday of Week 11. If items are not renewed or returned by this date a fee will be charged to your account. If the book is returned this fee will be waived. Reference materials and print periodicals are not circulated.


  • Main Louisville and Lexington campuses
    • May borrow up to ten items for one quarter.
  • May renew items up to three times.


  • An unlimited number of materials may be borrowed by instructors.
  • The items are circulated for the entire quarter.


  • Can borrow up to ten items for one quarter.
  • May renew up to three times.


  • Alumni may borrow up to three circulating items for two weeks.
  • May renew up to three times. 

Hybrid Students

  • Items checked out by hybrid students are due on the Wednesday of Week 11.
  • Hybrid students may check out up to 10 items for one quarter.